Hello club Flowtiy Flow! This week’s flow is called ALIVE & WELL-ISH. The original speedy Instagram version can be found HERE. I taught three separate mini flows, the last one a balancing series. At the last minute I added an extra little pistol squat challenge at the end of the flow. It brought some laughter to class and was a fun way to cap off the flow.
In this week’s flow chat I talk about 3 topics:
I breakdown the 3 flows I taught and how I wove them together in one super flow, adding a pistol squat challenge on the end. Any one of these 3 mini flows could be used to create your own class as a standalone flow.
How I adjusted this sequence for a basics class: What I took out, how I changed the transitions.
Using staff pose as a part of a power flow.
Click the links below to check out the Flow Notes, Real Time Videos, Flow Chat, and Playlist!