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Writer's picture: ShannaShanna

Updated: Dec 16, 2024

Hello! Welcome to this week's flow! The name this week is in honor of my sophomore, who was preparing her Spanish 3 presentation (about food and meals) and was struggling to incorporate her love of Cheez Its in her project.

The original (speedy) instagram flow is HERE.

The coolest part of this flow is that it starts at the back of the mat and slowly shifts to the front. It doesn't seem like that big of a deal, but it really provides a challenge to the brain to change up the starting point! When teaching this class, I found that students (by sheer force of habit) were landing in downward facing dog, ready to begin the sequence, and I had to remind them we were starting standing at the back of the mat.

In this week's flow chat, I cover 3 topics:

  1. How I began this class. I have lots of different ways to begin class, helping the students arrive to their mat and focus inward. I'm going to start sharing these ideas when they're especially unique. This week's beginning is one of my favorites.

  2. How I built two separate flows and combined them. I had 2 options for combining the flows this week. One was shorter than the other. I share both options in the Flow Chat so you can consider what works best for you.

  3. Seated meditation: how I teach it, when I teach it, cues and guidance I give, and what the purpose is in my classes. seated meditation is one of the most valuable parts of my classes, and I try to send my students home with the message that this is something they can take off the mat into their own life.

Check out all the good stuff below, and don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions! Email, Instagram DM, comment here...I'll see it all!

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